How To Create Content That Gets Like And Shared [Part 2]

In this second part of the bumper series on how to create content that gets liked and shared, we look at creating value and sounding like yourself.

[Missed Part 1? It's right here]


#3 Add Insane value

Adding insane amounts of value to your ideal audience is another key way to create content that gets liked and shared.

Creating a client persona or avatar is super useful in making sure you really connect with what your market will find useful.

Remember, we already know what our customers as asking (see Part 1), so adding value to them is easier than you might think.

"Persona creation is essential to creating content; personas are necessary so that a content marketer understands what kinds of content its target audience needs to navigate the buying process from awareness to engagement to decision1 

The nature of what value actually is may vary according to your personas and your own unique style of delivery (more on being you later on in this guide).

This "elements of value" pyramid gives an overview of just how many types of value you could offer through your content creation:

[Elements of value pyramid via Digital Marketer ]

Value has many different faces, whether it's functional, emotional, life changing, or social impact.

Of course, these apply to product and service creations too, but offering a quick win through your valuable content is a key way to get to the hearts of your peeps.

When you add value to your readers and audience, their loyalty to you is cemented;  they know you gave them quick "wins" in the value pyramid, and they await your emails, posts, podcasts, videos (and, consequently, products), with glee.

Adding insane value could be: 

  • Putting current research/tips/how to's in one place
  • Providing a template/script/swipe files/behind the scenes access
  • Walking through how to do something and making it super easy
  • Demonstrating a way to do things much easier
  • Making your audience laugh whilst learning
  • Offering content upgrades to help implement key actions.

 ....or any combination of the value pyramid you can think of.


Anyone can sell a product online. What's really going to make your customer pick you over someone else is going to be your relationship with them.2

It's this relationship, built through creating valuable content that gives your audience quick wins, that build a long lasting alpha audience to ignite your content (more on that later).

There is a huge opportunity on the internet, but also a ton of noise. Thinking creatively and being useful to your customer will allow you to gain the edge you need.3


Here are some examples of content that adds immense value to an audience:

This brilliant, value-rich guide by the team at Teachable takes the reader through the steps of building a mini course on their platforms, with a checklist included, and lots of great examples (and personality!).

 Zach Spuckler, of Heart, Soul & Hustle, created this super easy to follow and incredibly useful article which takes his audience through simple steps to build a 6 figure digital course business.

Zach's incredible article hits home with EXACTLY what his customers want to know: how to build a 6 figure digital course business.

The brilliant JP Sears creates content that hits our value pyramid with humour and satire.

Tasty know the value of quick videos that show us how to cook amazing food. Short, bite-sized videos (sorry, I couldn't resist), are super easy to share.

The incredible Queen Bushra offers us visual appeal, 3 freebies, funny copy that engages us, and easy steps to get quick wins in business. 

Tors Grantham gives some free workarounds in this post, including code to use, step by steps, PLUS a video walk through (that acts as an opt-in).

Ramit's guide to remarkable content adds incredible value and is, well, remarkable.

#4 Be Yourself

Ok, this one is a biggie. 

With all the noise out there, it can feel like there is nothing else to say on a subject. Ever had that feeling?

Here is the good news:
We want to hear it from YOU!

No-one else has your unique mix of experience, expertise, approach, and personality

The way that you (specifically YOU) convey information will be different from anyone else.


This video above (from my Map + Go Matrix video) series explains more.

So, next up in Part 3 it's all about getting visual and making your content easy to share. See you there!
To get the rest of this series plus my free training and tips straight to your inbox, sign up below.


  1. Content Jam Delivers 5 Approaches for Fighting Content Shock [B2B Beat] | LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog, Content Jam Delivers 5 Approaches for Fighting Content Shock [B2B Beat],

  2. Creating Customer Value through Content - EContent Magazine, Creating Customer Value through Content,

  3. Creating Customer Value through Content - EContent Magazine, Creating Customer Value through Content,